Life’s a beach in Wales

July 16, 2010, 9:09 PM GMT+0

Three quarters of those living in Wales are impressed with their nation’s beaches, a recent survey has found. 75% would rate Welsh beaches either ‘excellent’ or ‘good’, while 40% specifically felt that the beach closest to their home was ‘good’ and 23% went as far as stating that their local beach was ‘excellent’.

The UK has been enjoying unusually warm weather in recent weeks and there have been suggestions that this could be our hottest summer in years. The sunny days seem to be proving popular in Wales, with 56% of 25 to 35 year olds having visited Welsh beaches at least once within the last month, and 25% having been within the previous week.

Mid and West Wales, famous for its cobbled and sandy beaches and home to Cardigan Bay, is the most popular region, with 41% of habitants flocking to their local beaches in the past week and 78% of the region’s inhabitants rating their local beaches as either ‘good’ or ‘excellent’. This is compared to the least popular region, South Wales East, with only eight percent of its residents having been to a beach in the past week.

Let’s hope that the good weather lasts and Wales’s beaches continue to be a source of local pride.

Survey details and full results