28% of parents say they are finding it difficult to afford uniforms and back to school supplies

Matthew SmithHead of Data Journalism
August 29, 2024, 12:56 PM GMT+0

One in five also say they find it difficult to afford to feed their children during the school holidays

While children across the land will be dreading the return to schools this September, their parents will have already contended with their own concerns – the costs associated with sending them back.

Every year children will need bigger clothes and specific uniforms, as well as stationery and other school items, and now a new YouGov survey of parents whose children be attending school in the coming academic year finds that 28% say they are finding it difficult to afford their school uniforms and other back to school supplies.

The results also show that that 11% of parents with children in school say that they typically find it difficult to afford to feed their children during term time – a figure which rises to 19% during school holidays.

Indeed, a quarter (26%) of parents with children going to school this year say that they have previously had to skip meals to ensure they could feed their children instead. With 67% of those skipping meals saying the most recent time they did so was within the last twelve months, this means that approximately 17% (around one in six) of parents with children in school have had to skip meals this year to be certain they could afford to feed their family.

See the full results here

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Photo: Getty