Generation X are the least likely to be aware of their generation
That the generations are at war is a popular trope in the press, but the results of a newly released YouGov study show that most Britons don’t even know what generation they are in.
The survey of 41,767 Britons aged 18-75, conducted in December 2021 and released now for the first time, found that four in ten (40%) outright answered “don’t know” when asked what generation they belong to, while a further one in five (19%) got the answer wrong.
Just four in ten (41%) correctly stated the generation they belong to.
Adult members of Generation Z were the most likely to get their generation correct, with 52% doing so. Generation Z comprises those born between 1997 and 2012*, although YouGov polls are only conducted among the over-18s, so this particular group included only those born between 1997 and 2003.
Generation X – those born from 1965-1980 – were the least likely to be aware of their generation, at 30%. Slightly fewer than half of Millennials (1981-96) correctly stated their generation (47%), compared to 43% of Baby Boomers (born 1946-64).

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