LGBT+ Britons are more likely to suffer with mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression and insomnia, a new YouGov survey shows.
Over the last 12 months, half of LGBT+ Britons (51%) say they experienced or were diagnosed with a mental health condition, compared to a third of the general population (32%).
Most common among the mental health conditions described are anxiety, depression, stress, and difficulty sleeping, and in all cases LGBT+ Britons are more likely to say they suffer from them than the wider population.

That people from the LGBT+ community are more likely to suffer from mental health problems than the rest of the public is the expectation of approaching half of the general population (48%) and 73% of LGBT+ Britons. One in three Britons (31%) and 19% of LGBT+ Britons say that LGBT+ people are affected the same amount by mental health problems (31%), with hardly any (2% of all Britons and 4% of LGBT+ Britons) thinking that LGBT+ people are affected less by mental health issues than non-LGBT+ people.
LGBT+ Britons are also more likely than the wider public to say that their community is affected more by homelessness (57% to just 21%), unemployment (39% to 19%) and physical health issues (30% to 15%). However, for unemployment and homelessness, the most common response among both the general population and LGBT+ Britons is that they are affected equally.
See the general population results here and the LGBT+ results here