'Dinner table' discrimination?

Hannah ThompsonYouGovLabs and UK Public Opinion Website Editor
January 20, 2011, 9:55 PM GMT+0

Muslims are perceived to be the fourth most discriminated social group in Britain today, our poll on discrimination has found, as Conservative party co-chairman Baroness Warsi states that ‘prejudice against Muslims’ is now ‘socially acceptable’ in the UK.

  • 50% of Brits feel that Muslims suffer some (32%) or a lot (18%) of discrimination in Britain today
  • Only gypsies or travellers (60% think they suffer some or a lot of discrimination), immigrants (54%) and transsexuals (53%) are deemed to suffer more
  • Elderly people come fifth on the list, with 45% of Brits perceiving them to suffer some or a lot of discrimination

Baroness Warsi has ignited debate after details of her speech at Leicester University came to light last night, including a claim that Islamophobia has ‘passed the dinner-table test’ and is now ‘socially acceptable’ in the UK. She also argues that dividing Muslims into ‘moderate’ and ‘extremist’ camps can fuel ‘misunderstanding and intolerance’, insisting that terrorist acts by some Muslims should not be used as an excuse to condemn the faith as a whole.

YouGov makes no claims to have presented an exhaustive list of social groups in this poll. All figures should be viewed within the sole context of the list of social groups used within this poll.

See the survey details and full results