Traditionally turkey

Hannah ThompsonYouGovLabs and UK Public Opinion Website Editor
December 05, 2010, 4:00 PM GMT+0

Cranberry sauce at the ready: turkey has come top of a poll as the Christmas meat of choice with 56% of the British population planning to serve it as their main meat come December 25th.

Thought to be the result of American influence, turkey has superseded the once-traditional goose as the Christmas carving among most British households, appearing more than twice as popular as the next five given options combined.

  • 56% will be having turkey
  • 8% chicken
  • 8% beef
  • 2% goose
  • 2% pork
  • 2% lamb
  • 3% said ‘other’

A significant minority won’t be eating meat at all for Christmas, with 6% opting for a vegetarian dish instead and 3% saying they won’t be having a Christmas dinner.

See the survey details and full results here