Users (or 'tyggers') have raced to the TellYouGov site to express their overwhelming support for the rescue of the 33 Chilean miners who have finally been brought back to the surface after 70 days trapped underground.
- The topic currently has a huge volume score of 576, having increased by a substantial 313 points in the past 24 hours. The sentiment score stands at 539, up 326 in the same time frame, reflecting the messages of hope and support left by many well-wishers.
- Many have applauded the miners for their ‘awe-inspiring’, ‘extraordinary courage’ and ‘unquenchable human spirit’.
- Others have been congratulating the Chilean government and rescue team for their ‘excellent response’, commenting that ‘it’s great to see the government doing so well with this’ and calling ‘the rescue operation fantastic’. Another simply said ‘well done to all involved’.
- One tygger exclaimed, ‘The guys that went down there to rescue them deserve medals!’
- While others said that it is ‘awesome’ to see ‘the nation pulling together to watch [the rescue]’ in ‘compassion’ and ‘comradeship’.

However, some have made a few negative points.
- Although several called the rescue the ‘best news story of 2010’, a few others complained about the near-wall-to-wall coverage, asking if ‘there was really nothing else to headline the news’
- While another warned that ‘the Chilean Government must do something about the hundreds of Chilean miners who are killed or maimed every year’.
- Overall, the feeling on the board is unequivocally positive, with most tyggers saying that they are ‘moved’ by the ‘heart-warming’ footage of the miners emerging to greet their loved ones, which one described as ‘totally gripping’.
- One spoke for many by writing that ‘It’s brilliant to wake up to good news for a change’.
Prior to the final miner’s rescue in the early hours of this morning, the 33 miners had been trapped for over two months in a mine in northern Chile after their access route collapsed, amid fears for their physical and mental health. However, the rescue attempt that began yesterday has largely been heralded as a success, with all the miners hoisted to safety in the ‘Phoenix’ capsule, and met by their family, the rescue team and Chilean President Sebastián Piñera.
Even though the rescue is now complete and all miners safe, the topic's positive scores are still climbing ever higher, putting it in clear first place on the board. As comments continue to come in thick and fast, it seems this story of heroism and compassion has certainly brought strong feelings to the surface for many a tygger.
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