The fed up factor

Hannah ThompsonYouGovLabs and UK Public Opinion Website Editor
October 12, 2010, 1:41 AM GMT+0

The format of the television juggernaut that is ITV's The X Factor hasn’t gone down well with TellYouGov users, the leaderboard numbers suggest, just 48 hours after the 16 finalists began the first of the live performance shows last weekend.

  • The X Factor volume score jumped up a huge 229 points to 469, while the sentiment score dropped 64 points to a dissatisfied -244 in the past 48 hours, suggesting that many have rushed to have their say, but that most comments are negative.
  • The introduction of ‘wild cards’ to the show, whereby each of the four judges could bring back a previously rejected contestant, was deemed ‘unnecessary’ by users (or ‘tyggers’) with one saying ‘there was no need to change the format’.
  • The length of time it took all 16 performers to sing also proved unpopular – Saturday’s show lasted around 2 and a half hours, while Sunday’s results show was an hour long. ‘It’s good, but does it really need to take over our whole weekend?’ asked one viewer, while another said ‘How much more can they pad out this programme? It’s too long.’
  • Grumpy about GamuThe media frenzy that has surrounded the show for the past week, focusing on judge Cheryl Cole’s decision to axe Zimbabwean hopeful Gamu, whose immigration status has been discussed at length in the past weeks, also riled some tyggers.
    • ‘I hate all the idiotic hype dressed up as stories in the newspapers’ said some.
    • Others described the programme as ‘dumbed down’, ‘manipulated’, ‘false’, ‘set up’ and ‘outdated’.
    Guilty pleasuresHowever, a few faithful fans remain positive about the programme.
    • ‘Such cheesy rubbish, but it’s just brilliant!’ said one happy viewer, while another referred to it as their ‘guilty pleasure.’
    Male group FYD and male singer Nicolo Festa were the first contestants to be eliminated from the show this week, after the judges opted to save controversial choice Katie Waisell. The competition is set to run until Christmas, when the final winner will release a single as a bid for the coveted Christmas Number One.Love it or loathe it, The X Factor looks unlikely to be disappearing from our leaderboard any time soon.The next episode of the show is Saturday at 7.30pm on ITV1.What people have been saying about The X Factor over the past 24 hoursWhat people have been saying about The X Factor over the past 24 hoursHave your say: The TellYouGov keyword for this topic is 'X Factor'What is TellYouGov?
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