Jon Snow sex comments: he’s not alone

William JordanUS Elections Editor
February 03, 2014, 9:36 AM GMT+0

The majority of men – and nearly a fifth of women, too – think about making love to new acquaintances

Presenter John Snow created a stir recently with his comments on sex in a recent interview for the Evening Standard. Speaking about how sex comes into play when first meeting a woman, the veteran Channel 4 host said, “Sex comes into every evaluation of a woman, there’s no doubt about it.” He continued: “It’s there. Once you’ve established a friendship or a working relationship with a woman, it’s parked. But it’s an interesting barrier. When you’ve gone through it and arrived at the other side, it’s never a problem again. Well I’m not saying it is a problem at all, it’s rather a delicious thing really, ‘what might have been?’ or ‘what could be’.”

The Daily Mail ­­warned the revelations might “shock” Mr. Snow’s viewers. Others mocked or denounced the comments on Twitter. But a new YouGov poll conducted for the Sunday Times suggests many people in Britain have had similar experiences.

More than half (56%) of all British men and 18% of British women think about what it would be like to make love to people they meet­ at least some of the time. Overall, 36% of British adults have had the thoughts.

In the Evening Standard interview the “disarmingly open” Mr. Snow, 66, also discussed his mental age (23), a teenage affair with an older librarian, and his relationship with new wife, 39-year old Zimbabwean neuroscientist Precious Lunga.

Image: Getty

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