In YouGov's latest EuroTrack poll, nearly six in ten Swedes report being funny – while almost a third of the British public call themselves unfunny
Britons pride themselves on their sense of humour, love to claim other nations ‘just don’t get’ it, and can boast sit-coms successful as international exports; The Office has seven international versions, including a Swedish re-make. But are the British people really that funny? YouGov asks the public of six European nations to self-rate their sense of humour and joke-making abilities in its latest EuroTrack poll.
When asked if they agree with the statement “I have a good sense of humour”, the Swedes and Danish come out on top: 90% and 91% agree, respectively. Britons come third, with 89% in agreement, followed by the Germans (87%) and the Finnish (81%). The French are the least good humoured, with 79% reporting a sense for it.
On their abilities to actually make people laugh, all the countries rate themselves lower; but again, the Swedes are most confident with 57% agreeing to the statement “I am a funny person” and 22% disagreeing. Half of Britons boast being funny, but they also have the biggest group (31%) who say they are not.
Next week YouGov will release more research on how Europeans view Europeans, revealing which nations are reported to be the most – and least – hardworking and honest.
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