The public are divided on whether Trump or Biden would be the better leader to achieve a favourable deal for the UK
The American election and the approaching end of the Brexit transition period have brought the UK’s future trading relationship with the US into focus. Reports have emerged that some in government are anxious about the outcome of the presidential contest and its implications for a deal.
New YouGov data shows that six in ten (59%) Brits believe the election will have either a great impact or fair amount of impact on any potential deal. Those who would prefer President Trump to be re-elected are more likely than those who favour Joe Biden to believe the result will affect the arrangement (72% vs 64%). Overall, only one in five (20%) believe that it won’t.
The British public are divided on which candidate they think would agree the most favourable trade deal. Just under three in ten (28%) reckon Biden would offer the UK the most beneficial terms while just under a quarter (23%) believe the same of Donald Trump. However, about the same proportions either think that it won’t make any difference who wins (24%) or don’t know (25%).
The President’s backers have more confidence than Biden’s supporters in their candidate’s intention to strike a favourable trade deal with the UK. Four in five (80%) of those wanting Trump to be returned to the White House think that the best deal for Britain would be done under him compared to 3% who believe a better agreement would be reached by his Democratic challenger. Just 14% think it would make no difference.
Those favouring Biden are less sure of their candidate’s interest in offering Britain a favourable trade deal. Under half (45%) of those favouring the former vice president believe the best deal for Britain would be done under him, 10% think a Trump presidency would deliver the best terms and one in four (25%) reckon it would make no difference.