Losing sight of eye exams

February 23, 2012, 1:04 PM GMT+0

New report shows almost a third of Britons have not had an eye exam in the past two years

New online research from YouGov reveals that, despite the publicised benefits of biannual testing, almost a third of all UK adults have failed to have an eye test in the past two years.

  • 31% of all UK adults have failed to have an eye test in the past two years
  • 21% of those who failed to make an eye test say that they ‘did not realise that they should have their eyes tested every two years’
  • 26% are aware of the need for a biannual eye exam but ‘have not got around to it yet’
  • Nearly a quarter (23%) say that they only get their eyes tested ‘when I feel I need to’
  • 14% say that are delaying an appointment because they ‘can’t afford new eye wear’

Of those who wear spectacles, 77% bought their pair in the opticians in which they got their eyes tested; a further 17% shopped around before purchasing; and 3% say that they buy their spectacles online.

The survey asked 2,102 UK adults aged 16 and over about their eye exam habits.

Find out more about the Opticians report

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