Resolutions stalling this 'Flab-uary'?

February 08, 2012, 11:59 AM GMT+0

Poll for Weight Watchers finds millions of Britons fall off healthy living bandwagon come February

Almost half of Brits have ever made a New Year’s resolution to lose weight and over a third have pledged to eat more healthily, our poll for Weight Watchers has revealed, but it seems that by February size is definitely ‘weighing’ on people’s minds, with almost a quarter having already broken one or more of their New Year’s resolutions.

Many Britons also admit to suffering from lack of self-esteem and feeling angry with themselves because they have not reached their New Year weight loss targets.

  • 41% of Brits have made a New Year’s resolution to lose weight
  • 35% have made a resolution to eat more healthily
  • But by February, 24% of these say that they have already broken one or more of their New Year’s resolutions – an estimated 10 million Britons*
  • One in ten (10%) is feeling depressed about not being able to keep their weight-loss resolution
  • While 11% are feeling bad about not fitting into their clothes thanks to festive overindulgence
  • 14% even say they are worried about putting on more weight in February
  • While 8% say that they are 'reflecting on not hitting their January weight target'

The online poll of 2,069 British adults also discovered that ‘Flab-ruary’ – the name Weight Watchers has dubbed February as an acknowledgement of the lack of motivation that many may be feeling this month – also has a knock on effect on self-esteem, as one in three (34%) say that breaking their resolutions has led to unhappiness with themselves, almost a quarter (24%) feel angry with themselves and one in five (21%) believe they have failed themselves.

In a bid to get the nation back on track, Weight Watchers recently hosted a ‘surround-sounding’ event at nationwide retailers such as ASDA and Debenhams, and LA Fitness gyms, which saw locations across the country playing an anthem to motivate everyone to kick-start their healthy lifestyle afresh. A live UK-wide sing-along was also held by choirs of Weight Watchers members and buskers performing in London, Manchester, Edinburgh and Bristol.

Lucy Vickers, Weight Watchers nutritionist, says ‘People make resolutions because they want to feel better about themselves but end up feeling lower than when they started by setting unrealistic goals.

'This is why Weight Watchers is encouraging people to take this second chance by making February 1st the new January 1st [and] make resolutions they can keep with the right support to help them kick-start a healthier lifestyle and see positive results that last way beyond the start of the year.’

The motivational lyrics of the Weight Watchers song ‘Do It Our Way (Play)’ are inspired by the feelings of happiness and confidence from real life Weight Watchers members who all lost weight through the plan, and star in the current TV ad alongside singer Alesha Dixon.

*Population figures generated from 2010 ONS population estimates, i.e. all adults aged 20+ in the UK x .2375

See the survey details and full results here