Almost one in eight people avoid cooking food from scratch, new YouGov research shows.
The Non-cooks: selling to those who don’t cook from scratch report finds that 9% hardly ever make meals from raw ingredients and 4% never do, and instead choose frozen or pre-prepared options.
YouGov’s study finds that around one in five (19%) almost always cook from scratch or do it a few times a week (22%) while a quarter (25%) make their meals themselves most days.
The report suggests that non-scratch cooks tend to have fewer concerns about food than those who make their own meals. It finds they are less likely to worry about things such as sugar levels (28% vs. 47%), freshness (26% vs. 61%), and fat content (24% vs. 42%).

YouGov’s research looks at the reasons why this group is unwilling to cook from scratch. Many attributed it to their busy schedules, with almost half (46%) saying that their lifestyle doesn’t allow them time to prepare and cook food. They also tend to not take a list to the supermarket, with approaching three quarters (73%) saying that they don’t tend to plan their weekly shop. Instead of purchasing anything they would have to cook themselves they choose items on the basis of value and ease.
The research indicates that the group least likely to choose to cook are young working males from the North of England, while those who do make meals from scratch are more likely to be retired females, aged 55+ from the South.
The study shows that despite a glut of cookery shows and books, many people are still a stranger to a chopping board and a frying pan. Unsurprisingly, most blame their hectic lifestyles and this is something that brands looking to encourage home cooking need to bear in mind. With our data showing that non-scratch cooks don’t tend to plan their weekly shops, appealing to them in-store with cooking ideas and quick and easy recipes may be an option.
Image: Getty