As the Edinburgh Festival Fringe approaches, many Scots believe the event could be more accessible
New YouGov Omnibus research finds that many Scots think the Edinburgh Fringe costs too much to attend. Over four in ten (44%) people in Scotland believe it is too expensive to go to events at the Edinburgh Fringe, compared to three in ten (30%) who do not.
As well as cost, the suvey also finds that it could be more accessible in other ways. There is also a desire to see the festival spread out across Scotland a little more with over a third (36%) thinking there should be more fringe events around the country.

However, support for the event remains high. Approaching a fifth (18%) of all respondents say they plan to attend at least one event at this year’s festival with those aged 18-24 being the most likely to go (26%).
Furthermore, Scot believe the festival is good for the country’s reputation. Over eight in ten (85%) say that it gives a good impression of Scotland to the rest of the world.
Image PA