The latest YouGov voting intention figures for the Sun show the Conservatives on 34%, Labour on 43% and the Liberal Democrats on 11%.
This is the lowest score our daily polling has given to the Conservatives since the General Election (although we have recorded a higher Labour lead in the meantime, on days when there was lower support for the Liberal Democrats or minor parties). The Government's net approval also hit a new low, down to minus 28 (28% approved of the Government's performance, 56% disapproved).
This comes after a period in which the Labour lead appeared to be falling. In early February, our tracker has been showing Labour leads of up to 10 points, but in the last fortnight it had looked as though it was falling - perhaps because the situation in the Middle East has pushed the Coalition's spending cuts down the news agenda. The figures of the last few days, however, suggest that Labour's lead is still going strong.