Voting intention analysis

Anthony WellsHead of European Political and Social Research
November 24, 2010, 8:19 PM GMT+0

The latest figures from our daily voting intention poll for The Sun are Conservatives 42%, Labour 40%, Liberal Democrats 10%, maintaining the Conservative lead.

Our overnight poll was also the first opportunity to gauge the public's reaction to the Irish bailout.

  • Only around a third of British people - 34% - support the Government's decision to lend money to help bail out the Irish economy, with almost half of respondents opposing the deal.
  • Should Ireland's problems spread to other members of the Eurozone, such as Spain or Portugal, then there would be even less support for British intervention.
  • Only 9% of people would support Britain lending money to Spain or Portugal.

See the latest voting intention poll for The Sun here
See the poll on the Irish bailout for The Sun here