The latest voting intention figures from our daily poll for the Sun are Conservative 41%, Labour 38%, Liberal Democrat 11%. At the beginning of last week our daily tracker was suggesting that Labour were finally pulling ahead of the Conservatives after several weeks of narrowing leads, with the timing of the crossover suggesting that the protests against tuition fees may have been the tipping point.
Since then, our polls have shown the Conservatives narrowing the gap, and in the last two polls re-establishing a lead. Perhaps Labour's lead was merely a temporary result of the Coalition's unpopular tuition fees policy being in the news, or perhaps the economic turmoil in Ireland has bolstered support for the government's cuts. Either way, it will be interesting to see what the effect of Ireland's troubles will be on our regular trackers of attitudes towards the British Government's cuts.
Meanwhile, our poll yesterday also asked whether people thought Lord Young, formerly the Government's adviser on enterprise, was right to resign over his comments downplaying the seriousness of the recession. 58% thought he was, with only 29% saying he should not have resigned.