David Cameron declined to wear a feminist T-shirt – British men and women think he was right to turn it down
After being asked five times by Elle magazine to wear a T-shirt, pictured below, with the words “This is what a feminist looks like” for an issue on gender equality, the Prime Minister declined. Benedict Cumberbatch, Joseph Gordon Levitt, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg did wear the T-shirt however, with the Deputy Prime Minister commenting: "I support equality and choice - so yes, I'm a feminist. How on earth in this day and age can you not be?"

But while David Cameron’s decision provoked outcry in the media, British people think he made the right choice.

66% of British adults say he should not have worn the T-shirt, while only 14% think he should have. There is almost no difference among man and women: men support David Cameron’s decision by 67-13%, women by 64-14%.
18-24 year-olds are the only group not to back the PM by a majority, but they still would oppose him wearing the T-shirt by 42-22%.
Elle’s inaugural feminism issue for December will feature Emma Watson on the cover. The British actor launched the UN’s HeForShe campaign in September, with a well-received speech inviting men to participate in the conversation about gender inequality. She said that gender stereotypes harm men as well as women, and the fight for female equality can only be won with male support.