Latest YouGov Westminster voting intention figures

The latest YouGov/ Times voting intention survey sees the Conservatives on 38% (unchanged from our Sunday Times results at the weekend) and Labour on 38% (from 39%).
Elsewhere, Liberal Democrat voting intention stands at 10% (from 9%) while 14% would vote for other parties (unchanged).

When it comes to who would make the best Prime Minister, this week's poll shows 32% of people prefer Theresa May while 26% favour Jeremy Corbyn. A further 39% answered "not sure" and 2% refused to choose.
This weeks survey also contains the first "best party" results since the Chequers deal crisis. The results reveal that almost a quarter of 2017 Conservative voters (23%) now consider UKIP to be the best party to handle Brexit, almost double the figure it was at the beginning of the month (12%).
Likewise, the proportion of 2017 Conservative voters who think that UKIP would be the best party to handle asylum and immigration has risen from 16% to 28% over the same time period. None of the other policy areas saw similar increases.

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