On the crucial measures of value-for-money, quality and consideration, Ryanair's brand continues to improve
Ryanair has announced its profits, revenue and share price have continued to improve. The airline’s traffic has risen 13% to 58 million passengers. This follows a strong summer for the company which became the first airline in the EU to have carried more than 10 million customers in one month.
YouGov BrandIndex data reveals that Ryanair's brand strength has continued on its upward path since June when we reported the company was seeing the benefit of a more customer-friendly approach.
The value-for-money score has increased and is currently on an all-year high, from -14.2 in January to current +3.4 points on November 1st. In terms of the perception of quality the low-cost carrier has had a continuous growth up until the end of June and it has stabilized since then.

Regardless of the 2% raise in ticket prices, BrandIndex shows Ryanair’s consideration score (a measure of whether people would consider using the service) has gone up since the beginning of the year. Since October the air carrier has continued to increase the advantage over the average in the airline industry on this measure. Currently, Ryanair’s consideration score is on 21.3 points and rising, compared to 14.4 of the airline sector as a whole.

Ryanair has said it is planning an aggressive expansion in the coming period, with new bases opening in Berlin, Gothenburg, Corfu and Milan.
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