A toy for the boys?

November 12, 2010, 11:00 PM GMT+0

When it comes to the Apple iPad, games, the cost of apps and different uses of technology are all factors that separate the boys from the girls - and not always in the stereotypical ways one might expect. While the sight of people tapping away on the latest Apple gadget is fast becoming common, our report into the habits of iPadusers in the UK reveals that different motivations and attitudes lie behind male and female use of the product, which was launched in May of this year.

Male iPad users in general tend to be bigger fans than their female counterparts.

However female iPad owners are distinctly more appreciative of other qualities the tablet has to offer, and not necessarily for attributes you might expect.

  • 60% of women play games daily on their iPad in contrast to only 45% of men
  • 52% of females think that their iPad is better for games than their laptop, a sentiment shared by only 40% of men.
  • Technology: A man’s world?In the same survey we asked iPad owners about their general attitudes towards purchasing technology and it would seem that it is still generally perceived as a male interest.MenAndWomen
    • When asked to choose one statement summarising their purchasing habits, 37% of women said they only indulge in a new technological product when their old one is broken
    • Whereas 38% of men agreed that they splash out on a new product sometimes just because they really like it
    • Men are more confident about their knowledge of technology too as 52% of men believe that family and friends will ask them for advice on technological products and services
    • 26% of women think that family and friends will come to them for advice.
    As of the 30th September 2010 Apple had sold over 7.5 million iPads worldwide.